Tips for Good Web Design

Four things to keep in mind when designing a website:

1. Focus on the Key Elements

One important thing to be considered when creating a website is that we only need to focus on the key elements. Good design should focus only on those elements that are important to your business, and not on other things.

2. Reduce the Number of Web Pages

Another way to simplify the design is to reduce the number of pages on your site which helps the site load quickly. Many pages can confuse your visitor and simple design with minimal pages can encourage them to visit all the pages, which helps improve your site’s ranking.

3. Limit the Colour Palette

Take time to choose the colour palette that matches your brand or objective and which looks attractive, this to attract customers rather than distract them.

4. Browser Compatibility and Site Responsiveness

We simplify the web design and check browser compatibility on various devices to confirm it is responsive and browser compatible.

And finally,

All of the above tips will help to provide a pleasant experience for your visitors. As web designers we have to follow all of the above rules, to make your site quick to load, easy to navigate, attractive on the eye and finally, a site they will want to come back to in the future.